UKRAINE: TAS and ORANTA are leading in terms of MTPL contracts and GWP in 3Q2019

5 December 2019 —
According to the data published by MTIBU (Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine), the total number of MTPL contracts amounted to 2 million units, while the GWP on MTPL reached UAH 1.27 billion (~EUR 48.2 million*), reports Forinsurer.

MTPL paid claims for July-September amounted to UAH 618.7 million, while the total number of settled claims exceeded 33.5 thousand. The average settlement period for property damage was 77 days (vs. 85 days a year ago). Total number of complaints against MTPL insurers during July-September amounted to 400 (49 less when comparing the third quarter to the second quarter).

The third quarter market leaders in terms of the number of MTPL contracts and GWP were TAS, ORANTA and UPSK. According to the main performance indicators, during July - September 2019, 24 local insurers received the highest rating of MTIBU (vs. 20 insurers for the second quarter of 2019).

*EUR 1 = UAH 26.3486 (as of 01.10.2019)