STATISTICS: Cyprus: insurers' H1 2022 GWP expanded by 11% y-o-y to EUR 529 million

20 October 2022 —
STATISTICS: Cyprus: insurers' H1 2022 GWP expanded by 11% y-o-y to EUR 529 million
Cypriot insurers posted H1 2022 aggregate GWP of EUR 528.9 million, up by EUR 52.4 million (or by 11% y-o-y), according to the half-year market figures report published by the Insurance Association of Cyprus - IAC.

Non-life insurance segment totaled EUR 266.6 million (up by 3.4% y-o-y), while the life insurance segment generated premiums of EUR 262.3 million, or 19.9% more y-o-y.

At the "claims chapter", the value of gross claims incurred was EUR 228.9 million (up by 7.8% y-o-y), of which EUR 111.7 million related to life insurance, EUR 62.2 million - motor, EUR 32.2 million - accidents & health, EUR 13.1 million - fire.

The largest life insurer in the country was EUROLIFE (a 27.6%% market share as GWP), while in non-life insurance, GENERAL INS. CYPRUS le the field with - 12% market share (GWP worth EUR 32.1 million).

Access XPRIMM Database and download the H1 2022 Cyprus insurance market statistics.