Romania: health insurance expected to further grow in 2021, especially on the corporate segment

26 January 2021 — Daniela GHETU
Except for the eventuality of the Covid-19 health crisis worsening, Romanian insurers display a moderate optimism with regard to the market evolution this year, hoping for a 5% to 10% growth throughout the year, top market professionals have revealed yesterday at the market gathering organized by XPRIMM.

Health insurance is expected to continue its fast pace growth as in the last years. While the segment has contributed with a little over 10% to the extra EUR 84 million premiums written over the 3Q2019 GWP volume, there are some regulatory changes that would further boost its growth. 'The first regards the complementary health insurance, through the widespread use of personal contributions for high quality services or innovative technologies. It is provided for in the legislation, but its application has been postponed until 2025 and we believe that this decision should be reconsidered so as to accelerate them. The second measure is related to public hospitals, where there is a great potential for optimizing services. A very clear legal framework would be needed to allow public hospitals to provide additional services to the standard package on the basis of the possibility of their settlement by voluntary insurance. I also mean the administrative procedures for hospital managers to encourage contracts with insurers," explained Adrian MARIN, President of UNSAR (the Romanian insurers' professional association) and also CEO of GENERALI Romania.

"Employers' interest in the health of their employees has deepened, whether they work from home or in the office. As such, last years' experience shows that it the interest in health insurance has increased a lot in the area of employers and less of individuals," Gheorghe GRAD, General Manager or the insurance broker RENOMIA SRBA commented. He added: "In 2020, two new players entered the health insurance market, one in the corporate area, one in retail, and, to my knowledge, in 2021 another new player is foreseen to enter the market with a product that covers services on foreign market."